Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, the new Monday

I woke up refreshed after a great nights sleep and so far the day is going well. Honestly, sometimes I feel that a lot of my mood swings tend to come from lack of rest. Just because I'm in bed doesn't necessarily mean I'm sleeping. My eyes will be closed but my mind will be running like the proverbial hamster in the wheel. Usually I dwell on things that I'm particularly embarrassed about - but sometimes I spice it up with my worries. Last night, I rested. It was bliss.

So, I've decided to scratch yesterday and start my week today. I'm going to Muffin's dance lesson tonight - sans Muffin. Crazy? Well, it's the important lesson where they tell us everything we need for the recital, how they want the little girl's hair done and all that business. Of course, it happens during a time when Muffin is at her dad's. Of course. Therefore, I'm going solo.

Also, I'm slowly getting ready for my trip to Rome. I have taken my parent's advice, as experience world travelers, and set up my suitcase in the spare bedroom. Whenever I have a thought of some random thing (like a wine bottle opener!) that will make the trip easier - I just toss it in!

And those are my random Tuesday thoughts. Now I'm going to get back to "work" and send out a few resumes. Hee hee - gotta think about the future!


Unknown said...


love the packing idea...when do you go?

Samsmama said...

So glad you are feeling refreshed today! And that really is a great travelling tip. Of course, you're taking a cork screw. :)

calicobebop said...

Stacie - We're leaving on the 7th of May!! Yay!!

Samsmama - Of course! Cork Screw is a much easier way to say "wine bottle opener." I'm such a dork.

Mary said...

good for you! and sorry you're missing muffin, but you know we all understand.
I can completely understand your lack of 'rest'.
My mind goes a mile a minute and its hard to stop it...so I repeat this dorky self-serving mantra and eventually it drowns out that other voice and I get so sick of it, that I fall asleep :)

Harmony said...

Great way of the thinking...good for you.

Also? The suitcase idea...brilliant! I am going to remember that, for future trips that I hope to have.

Kristi said...

Your parents are smartypants.s. ;)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, Rome. Deeply envious. Genius tip about the packing though. I tend to do it in lists which invariably means something gets left off!

1blueshi1 said...

the suitcase thing sounds like a great idea--I used to write my English papers in a similar fashion. I'd keep my papers out and every time I had an idea, I'd go to my papers & write it down. Wait, that sounds kind of Luddite & crazy, now, doesn't it? the days before personal computers accompanied one everywhere!

also, as another single mom whose mind does the hamster wheel thing, as well--I can't recommend Valerian and melatonin enough! available at any drugstore, no prescription needed, non habit forming, and NOT ILLEGAL--a trifecta of perfection!!!
seriously, try it. each is less than ten bucks and it will be the best money you ever spent. at least since your last pair of shoes.