Thursday, August 14, 2008

Face Plant

So, I'm sure everyone who has ever raised children can sympathize with the frequent attacks of "gravity testing" that is part of the growing-up process. Am I right? Kids fall down A LOT! Muffin is no exception.

My daughter was frantically chasing after a tiny super-bouncy ball when she tripped on a random pocket of air and landed on her face. Thankfully she survived relatively unscathed. However, she did look around first to see if there was an audience for her performance before launching into the "I've just killed myself" wail of pain.

I was immediately reminded of an episode of Creature Comforts. Have you seen that show? It used to be on CBS, now it's moved to Animal Planet. I've got my T-Faux programmed to record it every time it comes on because it's FREAKING hilarious and apparently based upon actual interviews with real people. Here's the clip (thanks Youtube!) that reminded me of my Muffin:

It's probably wrong that I pointed at her and said "FACE PLANT!" but she didn't seem to mind. In fact, she stopped crying and asked, without a trace of tears, "Mama, what's that? What's a Face Plant?" Guess it wasn't so serious after all!


Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

LOL... my son "faceplanted" into the kitchen counter the other night and i was *this close to having to take him to the emergency room. he hit his eyebrow, and we all know how much that part of the face bleeds. thankfully, he just has a shiner. that reminds me, i should take pictures... ;)

GoteeMan said...

Mine are now 12 and 9, and yep, it happens... I LOVED the video...


Unknown said...

OMG, i don't dare laugh at my Bubba, all hell breaks loose if I look at the kids wrong. seriously tyrannt!

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

i tagged you for a meme... like days ago... ;)

Manager Mom said...

You know what's scary? I play The Cure and The Smiths for my kids and they TOTALLY don't get the angst. They just think it's fun, boppy music.