Friday, November 6, 2009

Giving Thanks

By now, I'm sure you have all heard about the horrible incident at Fort Hood yesterday.

The scary thing? That's where my brother (aka The Dude) is stationed.

And the shooter was a Psychiatrist.

Did I mention that Dude is a doctor?

Yeah, he worked in the same freaking building as this lunatic.

I managed to get a call through the lock-down and talk to him for a few seconds. He was cool, just busy trying to help out with the casualties.

And, of course, my thoughts and prayers are with the families of Soldiers lost. Losing Soldiers on our own soil is as horrifying as it gets. To see it done by one of our own is even more horrifying. God Bless you all.

I'm so grateful that my brother is well and especially grateful to my Sissy for hearing me vent about all sorts of nonsense in the wake of this tragedy. Thank you, God. Thank you, Sissy. Thank you, Dude for being there for the Soldiers.


knittergran said...

What a terrible thing for everyone involved. The soldiers sure don't expect to be killed by one of their own in what should be one of the safest places on earth.
I'm so glad your brother is ok.

Unknown said...

They keep us safe - who, now, is going to keep THEM safe?

Bev said...

So frightening! I'm so glad that your brother is safe. The families of those soldiers who were killed & injured are in my thoughts.

Mary said...

so relieved that Dude is OK! Wow, that is scary enough when you don't know anyone...but when your brother is right in the thick of it! Yikes!
I just feel so so sad for the victims and their families...can't even put it into words.

Unknown said...

glad your brother is ok, I didn't hear about this until this morning and I'm still not sure what's going on...

hokgardner said...

I'm so glad your brother is safe. Here in Austin, we consider Ft. Hood part of our own backyard, and we've been rocked by this tragedy. Folks from Austin are driving the hour up to Temple and Kileen to donate blood at the hospitals, which are in urgent need.

My thoughts are with the families during this terrible time.

Unknown said...

Yes, thank heavens that your brother is safe and that he was available to help others. Sad world, isn't it?

Samsmama said...

The whole thing is just awful! And some 6year old at the park yesterday took it upon himself to tell Sam about the "crazy doctor that killed soldiers." Nice. So glad to hear your brother is safe! That must have been terrifying not knowing.