Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Scrapbook 2/8/09

Right, last Sunday was neglected in favor of funny Superbowl Ads so I have a couple of weeks to make up but not that many pictures to show for it, actually.

Here Muffin is modeling a scarf that I whipped out last weekend. It's nice to be able to finish a project quickly and see the fruits of one's labor. I'll post another picture of this scarf later but I love the mischievous look in her eyes below:

We watched Aristocats during the Super Bowl. What can I say? We're not football fans! Louis decided to give Muffin a little kiss and I thought it was precious.

Later that week I made a batch of Taco Soup! Mmmm, I love Taco Soup - however, Muffin thought it was a bit too spicy. She kept covering her mouth and saying "SPICY!" Is it wrong that I laughed? There is a special place in Mom Hell just for me, I'm sure.

I know I've mentioned it before, but my cats are entering their dotage. The poor creatures rarely move these days but found enough strength to make it over to a patch of sunlight on one rare sunny day.

Every day after school Muffin plays in her room for one hour while I do chores and get dinner ready. I absolutely LOVE hearing her pretend and play but seldom get a chance to photograph it.

Below she has built a bridge out of Color Wonder Markers from a Weeble castle to a toy vet kit. Her pony Snowflake is at the top of the castle and about to make her way across the bridge. I'm really going to have to record these "pretend" sessions - they are both fascinating and hilarious! (Oh yeah, please don't mind the mess!)

Finally, some pictures of Muffin twirling before ballet class. She loves her dance class and takes it very seriously. One of these days I'm going to photograph her demonstrating each "position" because the look on her face is priceless! My sweet ballerina girl.

And that pretty much wraps up this week's (and last week's) edition! I'm glad that I've committed to do this because it really makes me look for opportunities to take pictures and chronicle our life. Such as it is. I'm sure that I'll look back on this in later years and smile. Have a great week!


Tina said...

Cute pics...I made taco soup last sunday.. I love it!!

Unknown said...

it's a great idea and I love that we get a glimpse into your world too!

Unknown said...

She's beautiful!
Oh, and I would much prefer the Aristocats.
I used to read your blog, and then I took a break from the blog world. Just coming back.

Formerly, Working Mom.

ATenorio said...

I think the pretend play pics are my favorites. I am really looking forward to this stage, but I think Baby has a few years to go ;o). Muffin is such a cutie pie, the dance pics are adorable!

Hey, my word verification is 'mingle'. Is blogger trying to tell me something???

Anonymous said...

What great idea's, very cute pics too!

Amber D. said...

Your kid is adorable, straight up. You're such a good mommy for taking regular pictures of her!!

Word verif: calik. "I tried to fix my hair this morning but the calik wouldn't stay down.: