Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spend That Refund!

I usually look forward to doing my taxes! I know, I'm sick in the head - but as a single parent I can usually expect a little something back each year so tax season doesn't freak me out anymore.

This year most of my tax refund will be going to go towards new carpet but in years gone by I would normally take my tax refund and do a little shopping. For me.

Ok all you moms out there - how hard is it to buy something for yourself? Honestly! I will pick up a new pair of pants or a cute shirt and them put them back because Muffin could really use another top for school or it's time to invest in her footwear again. Am I alone? I think not!

So, I think we should band together and use our tax refund to buy something for ourselves. (ahem, after I buy new carpet for the house that is) Are you with me? What are you going to splurge on? I'm thinking a new pair of shoes or maybe even *gasp* new underwear!

I'll tell you what I won't be doing with my refund - sharing with baby's daddy. Sorry pal, it seems I've learned how to say "no" after all. Besides, the economy needs me to go forth and make large purchases. Gotta spend for the sake of my country - right? Right!


hokgardner said...

Refund? What's a refund? Since husband and I are both self-employed, we dread tax time because it's when we find out that our quarterly estimates were off and we owe even more. Sigh.

But I have a very hard time spending money on me. Last week I did splurge on a pedicure and felt wonderful the whole rest of the day with my shiny toes.

Amber D. said...

Good for you!! I can relate, as a single mom, because that extra money at the beginning of the year is well earned. Don't be sharing it with the ex, who doesn't pay a fraction of your monthly expenses for your child! (Sorry, off the soapbox now...)

My refund was deposited Saturday and I treated myself to a haircut and highlights that were, oh, about 5 months overdue. I don't think it's selfish at all... I'm taking Miss Priss to get a manicure Saturday for Valentine's Day, and I will of course spend some of the money on her, but dammit I worked for it!! I save all year so that she has food on the table, nice clothes, fun activities, etc., so when the refund comes in, I feel entitled to do something for me for once.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea, but the reality is that I won't be splurging on myself this year. Then again, we are moving into a new house tomorrow, so that's splurge enough to last me for a while.

Tina said...

I hate tax time..My husband is self employed so we always have to pay in!! But i do need to get some new undies...

Unknown said...

ha. yeah, I probably will be paying off legal bills. Divorce is grand, and by grand I mean GRANDS of dollars.


Unknown said...

Paying off bills with mine. And, when it comes to myself, if it's not on clearance, I don't buy it. The kids, well, that's another story.

PorkStar said...

lucky ya'lls who get refund.. in my case, the government gets the refund... them fuckers

Anonymous said...

Yes, spend, spend, spend, that's always been my motto . . for the country, yes of course! :) :) :)
Happy Valentine's day!