Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lucky Girl

That's me! And I'm not even trying to be sarcastic. Reality Therapist left a comment yesterday that reminded me how lucky I am to have parents who are so loving and helpful. They worked their tails off last weekend on my behalf - helping me get the town home ready to put on the market.

Dad did lots of miscellaneous little chores that I would have probably just let slide in the hopes that they would be ignored. He painted the trim around the front door, replaced a faulty fluorescent light over the kitchen sink and patched the multitude of cracks and holes in the crappy drywall used to construct my home. He was also in charge of "trimming out" the rooms that Mom and I painted - and we all know what a pain the ass job that is!

Mom is the champion painter and she is absolutely tireless. She pretty much single-handedly painted the living and dining room walls. In addition - she prepared easy-to-put-together meals ahead of time at her house to bring up to my house since she knew how worn out we would be. We ate like kings and slept like the dead.

What was I doing during all of this activity? Well, I made a couple of trips to Lowes for paint and other necessary items (I was funding the operation) and I helped to paint the ceilings. I also trimmed the area where the ceiling meets the wall. I was assured that my lack of skill wouldn't matter much since we were painting the walls next and Dad could touch up my boo-boos.

Where was Muffin? She was at school on one day and in my room with Strawberry Shortcake the next. She was a real trooper and I was proud of how well she minded her manners.

All-in-all I count myself very lucky. Very lucky and very blessed. I sincerely appreciate how my family worked together to get a large part of the painting and fixing up done around the house. I can't imagine trying to get it all done without them. Thank you Mom and Dad! Thank you so much!


Unknown said...

YES YOU ARE LUCKY, and I am so happy for you! Can't wait to see the results of your luckiness and hard work put in by all.

Kudos to Muffin too, she even supported your luck!

PorkStar said...

very nice ma'am!

hokgardner said...

That's cool that your parents were able to help. And even cooler that your mom thought to cook ahead of time!

Samsmama said...

All the hard work put in by your dad (yes, you're lucky) certainly explains why the picture in the previous post looks like a crime scene photo. Even the cat looks like a victim.

Scribbit said...

What a nice post--you sure sound lucky! And feeling lucky always makes you feel good doens't it?

Unknown said...

Glad to be of assistance. Really though, you are blessed, in many ways.